a compact experimental device to provide free movement in all directions just like human walking - forward, backward, side-to-side, and diagonally. Honda will continue research and development of the device including experiments in the real-world environment to verify the practicality of the device.
This new personal mobility device makes it possible to adjust speed, move, turn and stop in all directions when the rider leans their upper body to shift their body weight. This was achieved through application of advanced balance control technology, robotics research, and the world's first* omni-directional driving wheel system (Honda Omni Traction Drive System), which enables movement in all directions, not only forward and backward, but also directly to the right and left and diagonally. (think of the wheels on the "I Robot" vehicles)
In addition, the compact, one-wheel-drive personal mobility device was designed to be user friendly and unimposing to people around it. This is achieved by making it easy for the rider to reach the ground from the footrest and by seating the rider at roughly the same eye level as a person standing.
Tere posted a bit more about it, with images that make it easy to understand the multi-wheel that this rides on, it can go forward/backward or side/side: http://justacargal-s.blogspot.com/2011/02/honda-omni-personal-mobility.html
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